Relocate to a semi–dedicated hosting setup with merely a mouse–click at a killer cost. Maintain your web server by way of an easy–to–navigate Control Panel. Have unlimited domain names and databases. Start using as much as 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is assured. There are no setup fees at all.
TurboFast Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited PgSQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
Our Advantages
Genuine Cloud Architecture ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail - Fast SSD Drives
Daily Data Backups Dropbox Backups Website Accelerators ModSecurity SPAM Protection 24/7 Technical Support 99.9% Uptime
TurboFast hosting at
$30.00/mo.Check out our services with a 30 days free trial period. No credit card necessary.
SSH Access
Completely free SSH access for your server
Our Linux semi-dedicated packages feature SSH access, which allows you to interact directly with the machine, without having to use the Site Control Panel. You will be able to work with your data files, databases, email and all things associated with your websites. Since you share the machine with only a couple of other consumers, you will not have root privileges to change the server’s configuration.
With the smaller bundle, SSH access rights are offered as an additional service, while with the bigger configuration it comes as a zero cost bonus.
24x7 Support
Ask us everything. We are here for you 24x7.
Waiting for many hours to receive a reaction from the tech support team might be really aggravating, no matter how insignificant your concern is. For this reason, here, at Pixtride1, we offer a 1 hour answer time frame guarantee, and our skilled specialists often answer within 20 min through the ticket system integrated into the App Installer. They’re available for you round–the–clock.
Free Dedicated IP
Free-of-cost dedicated IP address for your server
A free-of-charge dedicated IP is provided as a special bonus with the Semi-dedicated 2 set-up. You can easily make use of it to set up your personal name servers that will resolve to your individual IP address or to promptly set up an SSL certificate for your personal site.
You’re able to make use of the dedicated IP address right after you get access to your Site Control Panel. Also, you can always get other IPs from your Site Control Panel. We’ve tried our utmost to offer you the most suitable rates in the marketplace.
Scripting Support
All semi-dedicated hosting provide you with complete scripting support
All of the Linux–driven semi-dedicated hosting offer you full scripting support. It is easy to run all types of PHP or Python scripts and additionally choose between among well over 3000 Perl modules. The semi-dedicated packages also have MySQL and PostgreSQL support and feature the InnoDB database engine. Zend Optimizer, SSI, GD Library and ImageMagick are also available on our cloud website hosting system.
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Service guarantees
- The semi-dedicated packages are installed for you totally free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access privileges. Cost–free Control Panel bundled.
Compare our prices
- Examine the instruments and parameters made available from our semi-dedicated packages. Get started with a smaller server configuration and move up with simply a mouse click as your online presence grows.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- We’re on duty 24x7x365 to respond to any inquiries in relation to the semi-dedicated packages. 1–hour response time frame guarantee.